Acquired Brain Injury – Action for Brain Injury (ABI) Week 2022: 16th to 22nd May
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Each year, Headway – the brain injury association – campaigns to raise awareness and to build understanding about the effects that an acquired brain injury has on an individual.
Head injuries can be caused by a trauma to the head, such as a fall or accident at home or work, an assault or a road traffic accident. They can also result from a tumour, stroke, brain haemorrhage or an infection, perhaps due to a negligent delay in diagnosis or treatment.
Campaign Focus this Year – “See the Hidden Me”
The effects of a brain injury can be devastating, leading to catastrophic physical symptoms such as having to learn to walk, talk, read and write again.
However, Headway’s campaign this year – “See the Hidden Me” – focuses on the hidden disabilities that a brain injury can leave behind. Its aim is to empower survivors of brain injury to talk about these symptoms and to gain more understanding and respect.
As well as the visible consequences, a brain injury can detrimentally affect a person’s behaviour and personality. It can cause memory problems, reduced concentration, and impaired reasoning. Vision disturbances, fatigue, headaches and mood swings can also be a problem. These unwelcome symptoms are not necessarily apparent, but they can make day to day life and interaction with other people extremely difficult.
In February this year, Headway launched a survey “to explore the feelings and experiences of those affected by Acquired Brain Injury”. It was completed by 2,682 respondents – survivors and carers of those affected by a brain injury. The results give us insight into the emotions and challenges they face (for the full report click here):
Simple Solution to help with daily life – Brain Injury ID card
Headway and the Child Brain Injury Trust provide personalised Brain Injury Identity cards which summarise the key difficulties an individual experiences. Showing this card can help ensure that a person is treated appropriately and receives the correct support. This can provide confidence in everyday social situations, as well as in an emergency. Furthermore, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) recognise and endorse this card. For more information, please visit their websites: and
Jobling Gowler are here to help
At Jobling Gowler Solicitors, we have specialist knowledge and experience in dealing with all types of brain injuries and can offer expert advice and support.
We are currently representing a client who has suffered a brain injury due to a road traffic accident. The claimant has been left with many of the above mentioned “hidden” disabilities, all of which have profoundly impacted his day-to-day life. We are working hard to ensure he receives the compensation he is entitled to.
Another client suffered a catastrophic brain injury after a failure by his treating hospital to diagnose signs of bleeding to the brain when he was admitted following trauma. The consequences were life changing. We were able to ensure that the claimant was provided with the best possible rehabilitation and care together with a significant award for compensation. This enabled him to live in the community with all the support he needed, in suitably adapted accommodation.
Jobling Gowler lawyers understand the sensitivity needed in these circumstances. We will not only fight for compensation but also for a care package which allows our clients and their families to rebuild their lives after such trauma.
Please contact the litigation team on 01625 614 250 to discuss your individual circumstances. Alternatively, email