Motorcycle Injury Claims
Driving on UK roads as a motorcyclist is a unique experience; one aspired to by many, both young and old. Riders often testify to the freedom and enjoyment it brings, but unfortunately also to the risks and the associated dangers.
With over one million motorbikes registered in the UK, riders equate to 1% of our total road traffic. However, the number of motorcyclists killed on the road make up a disproportionately large 19% of the total number of fatalities. (A total of 1,713 fatalities were reported by the Government in 2013 annual report published on the 28th September 2014).
Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to injury as a result of their lack of protection by comparison to car drivers. Their injuries are frequently proportionately more acute and severe. If you have been in a motorcycle accident then, to ensure the best outcome for your particular circumstances, you need a specialist solicitor.
Our personal injury lawyers are highly experienced in handling claims on behalf of injured motorcyclists. We understand the importance of responding quickly following such an accident and recognise the significance of accessing expert medical treatment promptly to give the best chance of achieving successful rehabilitation.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in the last 3 years please contact one of our motorcycle injury team who can arrange a free initial consultation.
For more information about motorcycle injury claims, please call 01625 614250, email or fill in the form on the contact page.
How to pursue motorcycle injury compensation
If you think you may be entitled to claim motorcycle injury compensation, the first step is to speak to a member of our team.
We will then talk through the details of your claim with you and give you and honest assessment of whether your claim justifies further investigation, as well as taking you through the process involved and your funding options.
Once you decide to pursue a claim with us, we will gather evidence to build your case, including requesting your medical records, collecting witness testimony and consulting independent experts to help establish the facts of the case.
We will then notify the defendant’s insurer of the details of the claim, including exactly what we believe happened and how much compensation you are seeking. They should then acknowledge receipt of the claim within 21 days and will then have a further 3 months to respond, either accepting or denying liability.
If the defendant’s insurer accepts liability, they will normally offer a settlement. We can advise you on whether we feel the settlement is suitable, but ultimately it will be your decision whether to accept the offer or not. If they insurer denies liability, or you are not happy with the settlement offered, we can advise you on your further options.
This will likely mean initiating court proceedings, however, even where this occurs, it will normally be possible to achieve a settlement through pre-trial negotiations and it is only in the rarest of circumstances that you will be likely to need to attend a court hearing to secure compensation.
Funding motorcycle injury claims
We appreciate that many people have concerns about how they will fund a compensation claim, so we offer a number of funding options to ensure everyone can get the legal support they need, no matter their financial situation.
Legal expenses insurance is often used to fund motorcycle injury claims. This is frequently included with your motor insurance, as well as with home insurance policies and some bank accounts and credit cards.
Conditional fee agreements are also a popular choice as they allow you to start a claim without needing to pay anything towards your legal costs and expenses at the outset.
Sometimes called ‘no win, no fee’ motorcycle injury claims, this approach means you will only need to contribute towards our legal fees if your claim succeeds in securing compensation. The amount you pay will then be based on a percentage of the damages, meaning you will always keep the majority of your compensation.
Please get in touch to find out more about your funding options for motorcycle injury claims.
Why choose our specialist motorcycle injury solicitors
Jobling Gowler’s personal injury lawyers have a strong track record of success in motorcycle injury claims under even the most challenging of circumstances. In the past we have been able to secure favourable settlements for a wide range of clients, often without the need for court action, including for claims where other law firms have previously failed to achieve a resolution.
We are accredited by the Law Society for Personal Injury law in recognition of our particular skill, experience and expertise dealing with a wide range of types of personal injury claims, including motorcycle injury claims. We have also achieved the Law Society’s Lexcel accreditation for the strength of our practice management and client care.
Motorcycle injury claims FAQs
How long do I have to make a motorcycle injury claim?
You will normally have 3 years from the time an accident occurs to make a claim for personal injury compensation. However, if you are claiming on behalf of a loved one who has been left unable to make a claim themselves e.g. because of serious brain damage due to their injury, there is no time limit for you to bring a claim on their behalf.
How much compensation can I get for a motorcycle injury?
The damages you can potentially secure following any type of road traffic accident will depend on the seriousness of the injuries suffered. You will normally be able to claim both special damages, for specific costs such as paying for medication or medical treatment, and general damages, for non-financial losses, such as pain and suffering.
How long does a motorcycle injury claim take?
This will depend on a variety of factors, including whether the defendant is willing to admit liability and the potential value of the claim. Low value claims can often be resolved in a matter of months while higher value claims can take much longer.
Do I need to go to court to claim compensation for a motorcycle injury?
The overwhelming majority of motor accident claims can be resolved through either early conciliation or pre-trial negotiations, meaning you will rarely need to attend court to secure compensation. However, in the unlikely event that court action is required, we will ensure you are fully prepared for what to expect and have the best representation available to give you the strongest chance of a successful claim.
Start a motorcycle injury claim today
If you or a loved one have suffer a motorcycle injury that was not your fault, please contact one of our personal injury solicitors today who will be happy to arrange an initial free consultation.
For more information, please call 01625 614250, email or fill in the form on the contact page.